It's been a little more than 4 weeks since I've been waking up earlier. Thought I'd check in and see how it's going.

I'm tired. But it's been really great.

I wake up between 5:30 and 5:40. Then I'll do whatever for about 45 mins. Then a 10–20 min workout. Some days I skip the workout. I'm giving myself flexibility. This all gives me time to do stuff for myself before my kids get up. Since I'm pretty much ready for the day when they wake up, I have more time to focus on their morning routines.

It just feels good. It's helped me slow down a bit, which seems like a better way to live. I'm going to continue to do it. My caffeine intake as increased quite a bit and I usually pass out by 10pm.

One thing I need to improve is my transition from my creative time to workout time. I think I need to build in like 5 mins to stop, record what I'm working on and what's next. I've noticed that if I'm not at a nice stopping point, by brain keeps working on it and I often jump back in later to finish something or fix something just to stop it. Not always bad, but one of the main goals of this is to help my brain relax. I just don't want to feel rushed or crunched by adding another step. But I'll it out and see how it goes.