I just found out, I think two days ago, that CSS has native "variables". I discovered this while looking through some generated code from Zeplin. CSS preprocessors like LESS and Sass give us this ability, and probably do it pretty well. I don’t really know. I haven’t used them much. For whatever reasons, I like writing plain CSS. So, without further ado, here’s an example of CSS variables:

:root {
  --lightblue: #65def1;

.nav-link {
  font-size: 20px;
  color: #65def1;
  color: var(--lighblue);

Apparently this has been around since 2014-ish, as far as I can tell. :root is a pseudo-class which, in most contexts, represents the <html> tag. More on :root can be found here. As you can see in the snippet, the variable starts with --. This sets it apart as a custom property. Custom properties can be used as variables using var()! How cool. Because the custom properties are defined in :root, they are global. There’s all sorts of inheritance things with that, for better or worse. Browser support is pretty good, with one notable exception (I’m looking at you IE…🙄). That’s why line 7 exists in the snippet. It defines the color just incase someone has no idea what to do with var(). Seems kinda redundant, but it’s not the end of the world. Just a minor/mild nuisance. It’s not CSS’s fault though. Maybe Edge supports it? I don’t know. Maybe no one will use IE again? Hopefully. I need to do more browser testing with it myself. Maybe there’s a gulp and/or webpack tool that can automatically insert that fallback line for you. I should look into that.

So that’s a brief overview of CSS variables. I think it’s pretty cool because it lessens our dependency on preprocessors and such. The end.