Like I said in Wrapping Up the Year of Groundwork, after 2020, I don't feel like I have much gas left in the tank. That's why I've decided to make 2021 the Year of Momentum. I want to keep going on the good things I started in 2020. I'm still figuring out what that means exactly, but here’s where I’m currently at:

In short, it’s going to take a lot for me to barely make it through this winter, hence the Season of Survival. The next few months are going to be about managing stress and anxiety. So unless I think it will be helpful, I’m not going to start anything new. Focuses will probably be on the back burner until Spring (though there are a couple bug fixes I should probably get out soon 🤔.) I might even need to pull back on the amount of time I’ve been freelancing. There's a lot that needs to be done, and I need to figure out how to get it all done without collapsing on myself like a dying star.

So 2021, keep going and try not to crash.