Finally made myself work on ScreenCred!

I'm trying to get things polished up to release someday "soon"—or at least a public TestFlight. So, crossing things off my list.

I fixed a bug on iPad. Apparently the background images were covering some buttons somehow...even though they were clipped. Maybe a hack, but I just threw .allowsHitTesting(false) on them and now it works. Win. Easier than I thought it was going to be.

Then I started polishing, or at least moving things around, in my settings screens.

Small change, but instead of a toggle for where to open details in, I'm trying a segmented control. I think it's a little more clear. But I might need to add some additional text to explain which details I'm talking about and whatnot.

Worked a bit on the about view as well. Mostly just moved things around, but I think it looks slightly nicer.

Screenshots of 2 screens from settings showing a toggle to change where details are opened and an about the developer

Screenshots of 2 screens from settings showing a segmented picker to change where details are opened and an about the developer

Anyway, feels good to get back into the swing of things. Now I'm off to soccer practice. Not my practice, but my 6 year-old's practice. She's much better than me.