Taking a little break from ScreenCred to work on a new idea. It's summer break now and my daughter is home from school. My wife made a few jars with some slips of paper that have some activities to do. We have a jar for when she's bored, needs a chore to do, or when her sister is napping.

With WWDC23 and new features in Swift and SwiftUI—including SwiftData—I thought this would be a fun thing to turn into an app and try out all the new goodies.

Started with SwiftData this morning. I didn't get very far because the preview kept crashing with an unhelpful error. I got it to the point that it would crash in the simulator with Fatal error: Unable to have an Attribute named description. This is a bummer because I often can't think of a better attribute name than "description". I think this was an issue in CoreData as well. So should've been expected. Maybe I'll submit some feedback. Just need to read through their new "writing good bugs so we'll actually look at it" document...