IMO, all browsers have one or more fatal flaws that make them bad. I've yet to find a browser that I'd call excellent. Safari is my browser of choice. I like that it's not owned by Google and it mostly works. Things are pretty good, but I'm still surprised at how often I come across a site that doesn't really work in Safari.

As my daughter and I have been getting more into Pokémon, I've used a couple tools that don't download or print images correctly in Safari. Open them in Chrome, and they magically work.

At work, we are using a new testing tool that straight up says "you have to use Chrome" on the login page. Can't even login using Safari. In 2024, I thought we were over that.

I like the web because it's supposed to be open and portable. But that falls apart when you develop sites that only work in Chrome. I get that there are some APIs that Safari doesn't implement and probably won't—some for privacy reasons, others for platform control? So I think it's totally valid for some specialized apps that need certain APIs to have limited support in other browsers. But make it clear why those are needed. When making a site or app, probably don't assume everyone uses Chrome just because you do.