I've tried a lot of content creation things. Blogging. Podcasting. Photo taking. Video making. And now, recently, my daughter and I have streamed opening Pokemon cards a couple times on YouTube.

I think I like live streaming. It's pretty chill. Much like blogging (at least the way I blog), it front-loads the effort. Once it's done, it's done. The means of creation is also the ends. Podcasting, photography, and videos all require editing and post processing. While I don't always mind those steps, it's definitely not my favorite part. I enjoy recording podcasts, but then feel a bit deflated once I realize I need to edit it. I'm not fancy or rich, so I can't afford an editor to do it for me. But with streaming, I get ready to make the thing, and then make the thing. Sure, I could go back and find clips and make dedicated YouTube videos from the stream afterwards. But that's optional.

I'm a n00b and have only done it a couple times. Maybe I'm still in the honeymoon phase. Things could change. But as a lazy person, it's speaking to me.