
This post originally appeared on

My BrickLink store has been open for a little more than a month now. It's been exciting times.

Some Numbers

*I don't have a great way of keep track of how much I paid for the pieces in each order, so profit is just total minus fees, shipping, and packaging costs.

Moving Forward

I have about 75 empty drawers right now. When possible, I divide the drawer in half and one lot goes in each half. So room for about 150 more lots. With 14 sets in my closet to part out—around another 9,000 pieces—space is going to be an issue. I'm going to need to start consolidating drawers more. Some of my lots are really small like "6 pearl gold round 1x1 plates" small. These smaller lots need to be combined together to free up space. That's a project.

Another option is to not part out some of the sets, and keep them as investment sets. Never done that.

I don't have a lot of data, but 2 out of 3 of my orders are minifigs. I've haven't looked into it much, but I have thought maybe I should look into buying bulk minifig lots on eBay or something. It's can of course be a gamble. So still considering.

I'm a little concerned about having no feedback yet. The orders so far have been from newer buyers who are probably not familiar with the process. On future orders, I may send a message when I see the package as been delivered—a seller did that to me once and I thought it was a nice touch.

I already dropped my prices to be about 15% below the 6 month average, but maybe I'll drop again. I'm not really in it for the money, just want to get things moving.

Basically, going to keep going and experimenting.