I was watching a video from Shawn Hickman about his first week of being full-time indie. He said that he likes to take his time and work slowly, and now that he's full-time, he can do that without feeling rushed. That really stuck out to me.
I also like to move slowly, explore, and take my time. But, with only getting an hour or so a couple days a week to work on my side projects, I have been feeling rushed or crunched. It's not that I feel like people are waiting for features or anything, but it's more of a rush to figure things out and code it up in the short amount of time I have. If I leave something in the middle, it's really tough for me to let it go and think about anything else.
It's hard to keep momentum working like that. The scope of problems I tackle is quite limited because of it.
Like right now, I want to make some architectural changes to the ScreenCred website to help reduce my costs. But, it's going to take me considerable effort to explore my options and pick the best one. I haven't really touched it because I know it's the kind of thing I need more than an hour to do, and is exactly the sort of thing that will keep me up at night if I get too deep into it.
How I can work slowly and relax with such limited time? How do I tackle larger "exploration" projects without spinning out of control? Those are questions currently on my mind.